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In this section we'll present the results of the research regarding the dominant character throughout the series and in each season, measured by counting the spoken words.
Personal distribution:
The following graph presents the results of total spoken words for each character in the whole series (and in each season separately). This graph enables presentation according to gender/house/season intersections that can help make personal comparisons (colors represents the different houses).
The most immediate and obvious thing seen in this graph is the unambiguous dominance of Tyrion Lannister who talks the most and almost twice as the next character (Cersei Lannister - his sister). It is true to all seasons combined and separately except of the 7th season in which he is only on the third place (after Cersei and Jon Snow). Although his role as adviser and "the smart one", this result can be surprising as he is not the main character of almost any story line in the plot.
The next 3 characters after Tyrion are Cersei, Daenerys and Jon who have very close results, are main characters through the whole series (who have their own story lines) and are kind of competitors to the throne.
Another interesting point that can be seen from the graph is that some of the well known main characters ("the stars") as Bran can be found under "less important" characters as Bronn and Varys. We think that the aspect of number of spoken words expose the characters who are advisers, represent the wisdom and usually stand beside the main leading characters (of the story). They speak While the focus is on the "stars".
Personal distribution by Seasons:
The following graph presents the results of the average of spoken words per episode in every season for each character personally. In order to visualize the differences and the personal progress throughout the seasons.
This graph enable to see for each character its dominant seasons, when it has taken bigger part in the plot and even when it didn't talk at all or stopped talking for the rest of the seasons (can maybe refer to its death, for example in Ned Stark case who is talking only in the first season).
For supporting characters this graph can spotlight their part in the story (at least for which season its belongs)
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