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In this section we'll present the results of the research regarding the dominant gender throughout the series and in each season, measured mainly by counting the spoken words of the characters from both genders and by examination of the most common words in the series transcripts.
Characters Gender Distribution:
The following graph presents the distribution of the characters' (main and supporting cast) gender across all seasons. As it clearly shows their are a little bit more male characters than female.
Gender distribution by Season:
The following graphs present the gender distribution by the number of spoken words for each gender in all seasons together and separately. The left one shows the relation between number of spoken words of the two genders and the right one shows the average of spoken words per episode in each season in order to visualize the differences and progress across the seasons.
As you can easily notice, the relations between the gender is pretty match similar throughout the seasons and in each one, as the women speak from 25 to 40 percent of the spoken words in the seasons and about third of the spoken words in the series.
According to the combination of the two graphs, the part of the women starts in the lowest point in the first season, increases gradually until the forth season and then drops back to the beginning in the last season (except the 7th season) .
These results are quiet surprising as the part of the female characters in the plot is getting bigger, they are getting stronger and are taking dominant positions as heads of cities and armies up until the last episode.
Word Cloud Across Seasons:
The following image is called word cloud and it shows words from the text (in our case - transcripts) in sizes that correspond to their number of occurrences in text (only including nouns).

At first we used this functionality to find the main topics of the series according to the most dominant words in the transcripts.
As we know Game of Throne we expected to find the words "throne", "death", "war" and so on, as the biggest words in the image.
To our surprise the image presented the Unambiguous dominance of men and the strong patriarchal culture exposed by the words. Even when the women in the series presented as taking their equal reserved place as long as the plot develops.
For making it clearer - search for the pair words :
Father and Mother
King and Queen​
Lord and Lady
Brother an Sister
Men/Man and Woman
Paying attention to the smaller words reveal the main topics (iron throne, war, grace,dragon, death), families (Lannister, Stark), places (Winterfell, Kings landing) and characters (Jon, Ned stark, Bran) in the whole series.​
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