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In this section we'll present the results of the research regarding the dominant house (family) throughout the series and in each season, measured by counting the spoken words of the characters from the main houses and number of occurrences of each family name (house) in the whole text .
Houses distribution by Characters:
The following graph presents the distribution of houses by characters across all seasons.
The 3 big houses that are mainly leading the plot of the series - Stark, Lannister and Baratheon (we know that some of the main characters belongs to Baratheon are actually Lannisters) and Targaryen are dominant in the plot but most of them are dead.
Houses distribution by Seasons:
The following graphs present the houses distribution by the number of spoken words of characters belonging to each house, in all the seasons together and separately.
We can easily notice that the biggest part belongs to house Lannister and house Starks, as they both the biggest circles in the graph (all seasons together and separately) with no competition, when, except the first season, house Lannister has the most spoken words.
There are several houses which have changing part throughout the seasons, for example houses Bolton and Tyrell which have bigger part in seasons 3 and 5 compare to the rest (correspond with the plot).
House Targaryen which doesn't have significant part in characters (understatement), has stable meaningful size of circle throughout the seasons that is getting bigger on the last two seasons. That is corresponding to the role of it's only but main speaking (not dead) character (Daenerys).
The following graph shows the average of spoken words per episode in each season. In order to be able to focus on one house and to visualize the differences and progress of it across the seasons (especially for the smaller houses which have more specific role in the story line in specific seasons).
Houses Appearances in text:
The following graph presents the distribution of the houses according to the number of occurrences of it's name in the transcripts.
This graph show other aspect of dominance. House name occurrences in text can reveal the importance of a house to the story and it's participant in main events in the plot.
Not surprisingly the houses which fight for the throne (house Stark, house Lannister and house Targaryen) are the biggest. Although, in this case house Stark is bigger then Lannister. As the Lannisters talk the most it make sense that their "rivals" (or biggest components to the throne) will appear most in text.
Moreover, the circles of house Arryn and house Frey can't be missed compared to the results in the characters list and in the number of spoken word. Our suggestion is that they were involved in critical remembered occurrences in the story line which caused to their unproportional number of name references (for example: the red wedding).
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